Zoom Fund is a great group of kids in Nebraska who are helping me (Laurie) to fundraise for the children in Kisii. Thanks Ailani for writing this up!
My Name is Ailani, I am 13 years old and I live in Lincoln, Nebraska. I wanted to help the kids in Africa because I would hear stories of how kids would go to school hungry. I knew I wanted to do something.
Laurie has a sponsorship program, where she sponsors 6 children from Kisii, Kenya in Africa. She pays a local restaurant to give meals to the children (2 times a day for 6 kids). I’d already been thinking about wanting to raise money for Laurie’s sponsorship program.
It all came together when my brother (Jaylen) and a close friend from church (Hadi) decided to fundraise within our church. We called our group “ZOOM FUND”. We all went around church asking friends and family for donations.
I love fundraising for a cause that helps other kids. It brings me so much Joy!
ZOOM FUND has a goal of raising $100 Dollars. More in the future. I am hoping that with help from the church, friends and family, that the ZOOM FUND can continue to grow.
Thank you!
Note from Laurie: I’m so honored and excited that Jaylen, Ailani and Hadi have taken it upon themselves to help me sponsor these kids from the neighborhood that I called home for 2 years. Without our assistance, these kids would be struggling to learn, stomachs growling and most likely not be in school. Thank you so much Zoom Fund and everyone who contributes to the cause. Thank you!
Learn more about the sponsorship program here: https://lauriegoestoafrica.com/sponsorships

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