Calf prints on the left, the rest are goat prints. The herd walked through here every day I was here.
I arrived to Distant Relatives Ecolodge and Backpackers on Wednesday April 13th. The best day of my life (thus far!) was Thursday 14 April 2016.
More Info.
Swimming is one of my most favorite activities IN THE WORLD. It feels so freeing, comfortable, joyful, soothing, etc. “Backpackers” (as it’s called around here, aka Distant Relatives,) is about a 6 min walk to a salty creek beach. It’s nice enough, but the ocean beach is about 20 min by motorcycle. Thursday morning I’m checking out the nearest ocean beach that was recommended to me by several people: Bofa Beach, outside of Kilifi Bay Resort.
It’s off season right now. I get to this beautiful Indian Ocean beach, complete powder. The sand was so white and reminded me of some kind of flour mixture that was just on the edge of my brain the whole time but I couldn’t figure it out. I was basically the only one there!! Which, if you know me, is one of my favorite ways to enjoy nature.
So amazing, at the very nearby Kilifi Bay Resort I was able to get some tropical drinks, bring them down to the beach and even have the security guard keep an eye on my stuff as I swam, just to be safe.
I must have been there for about 4 hours. It was LOVELY on so many levels.
So that was my WONDERFUL beach day.
The reason it qualifies as the BEST day is because along with an amazing DAY, the night was also incredible.
So, you know I love swimming. You may have heard that I love stars. So Distant Relatives has a pool. It’s in a very nice area, very beautifully decorated with vines and African fabrics and wood and palm canopies and “pinterest-style” lighting. The night before was my first night, but since I was tired from travelling I went to bed early. So tonight was my night to test out the pool. And guess what? The stars were quite clear! Including these nice constellations that can’t be seen from where I was living, like the Southern Cross.
I just hung out on the beach for hours, taking pictures, swimming, collecting coral, listening to music, praying, journaling. I got a very nice fruity drink from the resort that they allowed me to take to the beach. The resort staff were really cool too, letting me use their wifi and bathroom and lay by the pool.
It was probably the best beach experience of my life. Utter peace and beauty. Just me and God for hours. The texture of the sand was amazing. It reminded me of something from my past, some kind of sugar/flour something that I used to make and/or eat or something, probably in my early 20s, but I can’t remember! But it’s a GREAT texture. I wanted to EAT the sand! That’s how amazing it was.
Yeah… good beach… good day. 🙂
That would have been a great day, but the amazing night was what made it my “Best Day Ever”.

The sun is setting on Distant Relatives. Imagine this at night with romantic, pinterest lighting and the sky full of stars.
I don’t recall the step by step, play by play events, but eventually the sun was down, the stars were up and I was in the pool. Often I can be the type to be afraid to swim in front of people. But, luckily, at Distant Relatives, I’ve learned to just let loose and do what I want! On this particular “best day” I noticed how AMAZING the stars were looking. There were some people in the bar area and only about 5 sitting outside, between the bar and pool. I decided, “I love swimming. I love stars. Let’s combine them!” I spent HOURS floating and swimming back and forth admiring and studying the stars. They’re different where I’m from! The Southern Cross was out and seemed like it was speaking to me. After floating by myself for about 30 minutes I decided, “It would be so much better with the lights off!” I got the bar to turn all the outside lights off. Yes, the stars were spectacular! After floating for an hour or so more, with music coming from the bar, I got the bright idea to make a playlist and have the bar play it! The awesome staff obliged again, so I spent the rest of the night enjoying the Avett Brothers, the Wood Brothers, the Lumineers, the Head and the Heart, the Brothers Osborne (do I like brothers?) and other Americana style music. It was an amazing, beautiful night with many of my favorites combined.
Wow, sounds like a wonderful day and night. So happy you are having fun!